welcome to the silly zone! my personal slice of the interweb! i use this site for whatever i want! f33l fr33 to l00k around ^^

like my page? use my button!


10/17/24, art page is up! its pretty bare, but i will fix that s00n! just have to plop some more stuff there

10/13/24, WE HAVE A GUESTB00K!!!! GO SAY HI NOW NOW NOW /j also a few more links }:)

10/12/24, home page (here!) made purrty and sectioned }:) i think it l00ks a lot better! also blog post!

10/3/24, update to stuff and about page, more shrine work (hidden, sorry!), and some other stufffffff.

9/30/24, more forgetting! more things added to about me! work on shrines!

9/10/24, 00psies i forgot abt this place!! sorry!! anywho links page should be up now! also blog update!

8/16/24, a few new graphics along with my own button!! it kind of sucks BUT i will make a better one eventually,,, work continues on the stuff page. ALSO INTRODUCING MY GIFYPET BELLS! they are the definition of friend

8/15/24, the stuff page is up! still working on where everything goes! graphics and blog page also done!

8/11/24, the about page is up!! its just basic stuff right now, but it's up! yayy

8/1/24, happy august! the buttons work!! im still working on the pages behind them all, but the buttons work at the very least!!

7/31/24, REFORMATTED THE SITE TO USE IFRAMES!!!! these r a pain 2 work }:,D the buttons still do not work }:( BUT i am working on it!

7/6/24, the site is in a semi useable state now! hiya! welcome! none of the links work yet, but alas!