howdyyyy i havent b33n here as much as i should!!1 b33n a few months!!! happy new year!! i promise this site isnt dead ive just not b33n thinkin abt it!! i got a busy life im a busy guy!! anywho, ive gotten into burning my own cds lately! i think its fun to have physical media in the digital takeover of right now. also this music is MINE!! you cant take it from me!!! yea i like it a lot. made a bunch of new friends and theyre fun to be round. shout out carnival HI!!! im doing ok overall though. my gf moved away though i miss her }:( theres a lot to put in one blog post and im already rambling!! wa!! ive got fc2025 coming up!!! im going on a cruise in february!! im happy with my art!! i love my friends!!! im having a g00d time and you should t00!!!
waves rlly fast HI ii17 came out today i died. my heart is ripped out of my chest brian please give it back. im thinking about suitcase and also dandy's world. ive b33n playing a lot recently i really like this game. its just simple enough to wrap my head around, and also the designs are cute! im actually g00b in real life. also im still applying for jobs and i hate it i hate ittt so so so so much bc everywhere i go its nothing or rejection i f33l uselessssss BUT at least i can think abt fictional characters }:) i might selfship with astro also i like him a lot a lot. anyways i dont have an image for today i just wanna dump my thoughts here. t00 many thoughts in my stupid little head! does anyone actually read these? idm honestly my thoughts are here now ^^ i have to bite someone. also i should start sending letters again that was fun
hiya againnn i had forgotten abt this site for a g00d minute! thats my bad! anywho! ive b33n doing pretty well! i went on a date with my polycule the other day, we had a blast! g00d conversations and g00d company. even if i was watching ii on my phone most of the time ^^' in my defence it was loud and i was overstimulated! but g00d times were had. and i got this cute picture! also, ii16 drooped and it was INSANE!! i was NOT ready at all!!! no spoilers here, go watch it! its b33n in my head since it dropped, and watching the fandom go nuts is always fun }>:) ive also b33n d00dling more often, which is always fun. lots of taco and suitcase. taco's becoming a comfort character of mine! love her. gotta be one of my favorite girlfailures /lh. anywho! thats all i gotta yap abt today }:) s33 u next post
hiya! this is babys first blog post! do i get a medal? /j anyways! ive never rlly had a personal blog that wasnt a social media, so this is a crazy change of pace!! its nice to not be distracted. i have adhd and a very short attention span, so i think this can make me more productive! ill use this blog as a personal-ish journal of sorts, and to just generally dump thoughts! onto today, i did a g00d bout of progress on the site today, if you couldnt tell! i also downloaded a fan shimeji, which i really like! he's so cute, i love fan. this one is by pankiepoo, and if you want it as well, you can click right here! hes so cute and detailed. anyways, ive b33n watching caddicarus play oddworld soulstorm today, which is fun! one of my friends told me about the series, and its super awesome so far!